GIFT City, or Gujarat International Finance Tec-City, is India’s first operational greenfield smart city and international financial services centre. It is located in Gandhinagar district in Gujarat, and it offers a range of financial services and products to domestic and foreign investors. GIFT City aims to be a global hub for financial and technology businesses, providing world-class infrastructure, regulations, policies, and services.


GIFT City has recently unveiled some exciting global investment opportunities for high net worth individuals (HNIs), who are looking for diversification, tax efficiency, and access to international markets. In this blog post, we will explore some of the key features and benefits of investing in GIFT City, as well as some of the challenges and risks involved.


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Why should HNIs consider GIFT City Investment Opportunities?

One of the main advantages of investing in GIFT City is that it is a separate jurisdiction that offers a range of financial services and products in foreign currencies, excluding the Indian Rupee. This means that investors can access global markets and instruments without any restrictions or limitations imposed by the Indian regulatory framework.


Another benefit of investing in GIFT City is that it offers tax incentives and holidays to service providers and investors. For instance, GIFT City allows investors to select any 10 years out of a block of 15 years for tax exemption on capital gains and interest income. It also exempts service providers from income tax for the first 10 years of operation. Moreover, GIFT City does not levy any stamp duty, securities transaction tax, or goods and services tax on transactions.


A third benefit of investing in GIFT City is that it offers a variety of investment avenues and products for HNIs, such as trading in securities, alternate investment funds (AIFs), structured products, derivative products, and portfolio management services (PMSes). These products cater to different risk profiles, return expectations, and investment objectives of HNIs.


What are the types of GIFT City Investment Opportunities for HNIs?

GIFT City offers a range of investment opportunities for HNIs, depending on their preferences and goals. Some of the examples of these opportunities are:


  • Trading in securities: HNIs can invest in various financial instruments in GIFT City, such as equities, mutual funds, exchange traded funds, index funds, currencies, commodities, and bonds (Indian and global). They can also invest in unapproved depository receipts (UDRs) that allow them to buy shares of top US companies.

  • Alternate investment funds: HNIs can invest in privately pooled investment vehicles that collect funds from domestic and foreign investors. These funds invest in various sectors and themes, such as startups, early-stage ventures, social ventures, SMEs, infrastructure, private equity, venture capital, and hedge funds.

  • Structured products: HNIs can invest in customized products that combine market-linked assets or derivatives with fixed income instruments. These products offer tailored risk-return profiles and exposure to various underlying assets, such as inflation-linked instruments, equities and indices, fixed coupon notes, etc.

  • Derivative products: HNIs can invest in derivative contracts that allow them to hedge their currency and interest rate risks. They can also access cross-currency and interest rate hedge solutions that help them mitigate their exposure to market fluctuations.

  • Portfolio management services: HNIs can avail of customized global fund management services from reputed fund managers who have set up shop in GIFT City. These fund managers offer international PMS schemes that help HNIs diversify their portfolio in international markets.


What are the challenges and risks of GIFT City Investment Opportunities for HNIs?

While investing in GIFT City offers many benefits to HNIs, it also comes with some challenges and risks that need to be considered before making any decision. Some of these are:


  • Regulatory uncertainty: Although GIFT City operates under a separate jurisdiction with its own regulations and policies, it is still subject to the overall supervision and oversight of the Indian authorities. This means that there could be changes or amendments in the rules and norms governing GIFT City that could affect its operations and attractiveness. For instance, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) recently issued guidelines on remittance limits and reporting requirements for resident individuals investing in GIFT City.

  • Operational complexity: Investing in GIFT City involves dealing with multiple entities and intermediaries, such as banks, brokers, custodians, fund managers, etc. This could increase the operational complexity and costs for investors. Moreover, investors need to comply with various documentation and KYC norms for opening accounts and transacting in GIFT City.

  • Market volatility: Investing in global markets and instruments exposes investors to higher market volatility and currency fluctuations. This could affect their returns and capital preservation. Moreover, investors need to be aware of the geopolitical risks and macroeconomic factors that could impact the performance of their investments.

  • Fund manager expertise: Investing in international PMS schemes requires a high level of trust and confidence in the fund manager’s expertise and track record. Investors need to check the fund manager’s credentials, experience, strategy, performance, fees, and reputation before investing in their schemes. Investors also need to monitor their portfolio regularly and communicate with their fund manager frequently.



GIFT City is an emerging global financial services and IT hub that offers a new avenue for HNIs to invest internationally. It offers tax incentives, regulatory flexibility, and access to global markets and products. However, it also involves regulatory uncertainty, operational complexity, market volatility, and fund manager expertise. Therefore, HNIs need to do their due diligence, consult their financial advisors, and understand their risk appetite before investing in GIFT City.



Here are some of the frequently asked questions about GIFT City Investment Opportunities for HNIs:


Q: How can I invest in GIFT City?

A: You can invest in GIFT City through various intermediaries and service providers, such as banks, brokers, custodians, fund managers, etc. You need to open an account with them and comply with the KYC and documentation norms. You also need to adhere to the RBI guidelines on remittance limits and reporting requirements.


Q: What are the tax implications of investing in GIFT City?

A: Investing in GIFT City offers tax benefits to investors and service providers. Investors can choose any 10 years out of a block of 15 years for tax exemption on capital gains and interest income. Service providers are exempt from income tax for the first 10 years of operation. There is no stamp duty, securities transaction tax, or goods and services tax on transactions in GIFT City.


Q: What are the risks of investing in GIFT City?

A: Investing in GIFT City involves some risks, such as regulatory uncertainty, operational complexity, market volatility, and fund manager expertise. Investors need to be aware of these risks and take appropriate measures to mitigate them. Investors also need to diversify their portfolio and monitor their performance regularly.


Q: How can I find a reliable fund manager in GIFT City?

A: You can find a reliable fund manager in GIFT City by doing your research and checking their credentials, experience, strategy, performance, fees, and reputation. You can also ask for referrals from your peers or financial advisors. You should also communicate with your fund manager frequently and review your portfolio periodically.


I hope this article helps you understand more about GIFT City Investment Opportunities for HNIs. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to reach out to us😊

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  • reecosys
    +242 Democratic Republic Of The Congo
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    +220 Gambia The
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    +995 Georgia
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    +1473 Grenada
  • reecosys
    +590 Guadeloupe
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    +245 Guinea-Bissau
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    +592 Guyana
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  • reecosys
    +266 Lesotho
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    +231 Liberia
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  • reecosys
    +960 Maldives
  • reecosys
    +223 Mali
  • reecosys
    +356 Malta
  • reecosys
    +44 Man (Isle of)
  • reecosys
    +692 Marshall Islands
  • reecosys
    +596 Martinique
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  • reecosys
    +230 Mauritius
  • reecosys
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    +95 Myanmar
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    +674 Nauru
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  • reecosys
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    +687 New Caledonia
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    +64 New Zealand
  • reecosys
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  • reecosys
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  • reecosys
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  • reecosys
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  • reecosys
    +968 Oman
  • reecosys
    +680 Palau
  • reecosys
    +970 Palestinian Territory Occupied
  • reecosys
    +507 Panama
  • reecosys
    +675 Papua new Guinea
  • reecosys
    +595 Paraguay
  • reecosys
    +51 Peru
  • reecosys
    +63 Philippines
  • reecosys
    +64 Pitcairn Island
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    +48 Poland
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    +351 Portugal
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    +1787 Puerto Rico
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    +974 Qatar
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    +262 Reunion
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    +40 Romania
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    +70 Russia
  • reecosys
    +250 Rwanda
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    +290 Saint Helena
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    +1869 Saint Kitts And Nevis
  • reecosys
    +1758 Saint Lucia
  • reecosys
    +508 Saint Pierre and Miquelon
  • reecosys
    +1784 Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
  • reecosys
    +684 Samoa
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    +378 San Marino
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    +239 Sao Tome and Principe
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    +966 Saudi Arabia
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    +221 Senegal
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    +381 Serbia
  • reecosys
    +248 Seychelles
  • reecosys
    +232 Sierra Leone
  • reecosys
    +65 Singapore
  • reecosys
    +421 Slovakia
  • reecosys
    +386 Slovenia
  • reecosys
    +44 Smaller Territories of the UK
  • reecosys
    +677 Solomon Islands
  • reecosys
    +252 Somalia
  • reecosys
    +27 South Africa
  • reecosys
    +500 South Georgia
  • reecosys
    +211 South Sudan
  • reecosys
    +34 Spain
  • reecosys
    +94 Sri Lanka
  • reecosys
    +249 Sudan
  • reecosys
    +597 Suriname
  • reecosys
    +47 Svalbard And Jan Mayen Islands
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    +268 Swaziland
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    +46 Sweden
  • reecosys
    +41 Switzerland
  • reecosys
    +963 Syria
  • reecosys
    +886 Taiwan
  • reecosys
    +992 Tajikistan
  • reecosys
    +255 Tanzania
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    +66 Thailand
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    +228 Togo
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    +690 Tokelau
  • reecosys
    +676 Tonga
  • reecosys
    +1868 Trinidad And Tobago
  • reecosys
    +216 Tunisia
  • reecosys
    +90 Turkey
  • reecosys
    +7370 Turkmenistan
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    +44 United Kingdom
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    +1 United States
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    +1 United States Minor Outlying Islands
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    +598 Uruguay
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    +998 Uzbekistan
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    +678 Vanuatu
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    +39 Vatican City State (Holy See)
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    +58 Venezuela
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    +1340 Virgin Islands (US)
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    +681 Wallis And Futuna Islands
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    +212 Western Sahara
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    +967 Yemen
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    +38 Yugoslavia
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    +260 Zambia
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    +263 Zimbabwe